Our Purpose
Our mission is to help you unlock your next level of health through live probiotic superfoods.
We want to give you a well-functioning gut, a super strong immune system, perfect brain health, and an easy way to manage your weight.

Our Values
We make people healthier through food.
Our Origin Story

Hamptons Brine was started in 2013 by certified health coach, Nadia Ernestus, with a mission to help people change their eating and lifestyle habits to enjoy better health and greater vitality.
Nadia got interested in healthy food when she was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Having cooked all her life, she made vegetables and fiber the mainstays of her diet and regained her health in 5 months.
Nadia’s fermentation workshops became popular in the Hamptons. Local health food shop approached her about creating a line of raw sauerkraut - and Hamptons Brine was born.