Stanford researchers found that eating a diet high in fermented foods increases the diversity of gut microbes, which is associated with improved health.
A diet rich in fermented foods enhances the diversity of gut microbes and decreases molecular signs of inflammation, according to researchers at the Stanford School of Medicine.
The Science Behind the Health Benefits of Raw Organic Sauerkraut
Raw organic sauerkraut is more than just a tangy condiment - it is a powerhouse of health benefits. Packed with probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, sauerkraut is known to support digestion, boost the immune system, and promote overall well-being. In this informative piece, we will delve into the science behind the health benefits of raw organic sauerkraut, exploring how it can improve gut health, enhance nutrient absorption, and even reduce the risk of certain diseases. With easy-to-understand explanations and expert insights, you will discover why sauerkraut is not only delicious, but also a wise choice for your well-being. Get ready to embark on a journey of understanding and empowerment, as we unravel the secrets of this gut-loving superfood. Understanding Raw Organic...
Exploring the Differences Between Regular and Low-Sodium Sauerkraut: Which One is Right for You?
Regular sauerkraut is made by fermenting shredded cabbage with salt, and has a distinct sour flavor and crunchy texture. Low-sodium sauerkraut, on the other hand, is made with less salt and has a milder taste and softer texture. Low-sodium sauerkraut is recommended for people who need to limit their sodium intake due to health concerns, while regular sauerkraut is a good option for those who enjoy the traditional tangy and crunchy taste. Both varieties of sauerkraut are a good source of probiotics and other beneficial bacteria that can support a healthy gut and immune system.
Sauerkraut and sustainability
Sauerkraut is a food that offers several potential environmental benefits, including reducing food waste, supporting local agriculture, and promoting traditional food production methods. By incorporating sauerkraut into their diets, consumers can help to reduce their environmental footprint and support more sustainable food systems.
The role of fermentation in preserving food: A history of fermentation as a method of food preservation, and how raw sauerkraut and its probiotic brine fit into this tradition.

The role of fermentation in preserving food: A history of fermentation as a method of food preservation, and how raw sauerkraut and its probiotic brine fit into this tradition.
Fermentation has been used as a method of preserving food for thousands of years. Sauerkraut, in particular, has a rich history in German cuisine, where it has been a staple food for centuries. It is made by slicing cabbage and fermenting it in saltwater brine, which allows lactic acid bacteria to grow and produce the sour flavor. The brine also contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that help promote digestive health.
Can Dogs Eat Sauerkraut?
Dogs can eat sauerkraut in moderation as long as it is low in sodium and does not contain any harmful additives. Sauerkraut can be a healthy addition to a dog's diet as it contains beneficial probiotics that promote good gut health and can improve the immune system.
Fermented Foods for Infant and Young Children
Sauerkraut is recommended for children who are born c-section, children who are given antibiotics, the ones suffering from gas, constipation and other tummy troubles.
Probiotics Can Help Lower Cholesterol
Researchers have found that sauerkraut can reduce cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels while significantly boosting levels of superoxide dismutase and glutathione — two beneficial antioxidants.
The importance of Gut Health for Hormone Balance
here has been a surge of interest in hormones and gut health. More specifically, the human microbiome (the collection of bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract) and how these trillions of bacteria are crucial to our physiology and metabolism.
Every system in the body is connected and our gut is intrinsically linked to overall health and hormone balance.
Pickled or Fermented Foods: Which Is Better for Your Gut?
Fermented and pickled foods are two types of food preservation. Both transform vegetables into deliciously tangy, acidic variations of their original selves. One invites healthy bacteria (fermenting) and the other kills off most bacteria (pickling). They vary in their prep versus ready time as well as in their health benefits and flavor complexity.
Probiotics can Help Lower Blood Sugar
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is one of the major worldwide unresolved health challenges: it is a major risk factor for a number of common, sometimes potentially lethal diseases, such as hypertension, stroke, coronary heart disease.
Probiotics have been reported to have a positive impact on the metabolic control of patients with type 2 diabetes.
Nutritional and Bacterial Data for Sauerkraut
Many start eating sauerkraut to improve gut health. Was that you?
Others, to try their hand at fermentation.
No matter the reasons for the jars of sauerkraut now finding an honored spot in our refrigerators, it’s nice to know what makes sauerkraut such a incredible food.
Should you take daily probiotic as food or as a supplement?
Although both foods and supplements seem to have been efficient carriers for the beneficial bacteria, to generally promote public health in communities, probiotic foods appear to be preferred to probiotic supplements according to medical professionals.
Why Probiotics are Perfect for Women During Menopause?
One of the most important considerations in a natural health protocol for menopause is microbiome support. The importance of our natural microbiomes for good health has been well-established in recent years, but this relationship between the microbiota and estrogen suggests that it could be even more important for women to keep these bacterial populations well supported as estrogen levels decline. One way to do this is to ensure that there are plenty of fermented foods in the diet.
Lose Belly Fat with Sauerkraut
Are you looking for a way to manage your weight or to reduce your daily food intake?
Hamptons Brine does both. Sauerkraut is not just healthy, but also very low in calories. One cup of sauerkraut has fewer calories than the same amount of fresh spinach, carrots or apples. Sauerkraut comes with additional benefits such as fiber.
Prevent "long COVID-19' with fermented foods
A new study links lower COVID-19 deaths and 'long Covid' to countries where the diet is rich in fermented vegetables. Researchers in Europe found in countries where the national consumption of fermented vegetables is high, the mortality risk for COVID-19 decreased by 35.4%.
Is there a Link Between Antibiotics And Cognitive Decline?
A study involving a total of 14,542 women has found an as-yet-unexplained link between taking antibiotics for at least two months in midlife, and a dip in cognitive score assessments taken several years later.
Empowering Your Immunity
The 'good' bacteria that populate your gut can have a strong influence on your immune system. The probiotics found in sauerkraut may help improve the balance of bacteria in your gut, which helps keep your gut lining healthy.
Few Interesting Facts About Sauerkraut
Raw sauerkraut is widely considered to be one of the healthiest foods available. Probiotic, raw, GMO-free and gluten-free.
Sauerkraut originated nearly 2,000 years ago in ancient China. In summer, slaves building the Great Wall of China lived on cabbage and rice. In winter, the cabbage was preserved with rice wine which soured the cabbage to keep thousands of laborers healthy in the worst of conditions.
The Surprising Health benefits of fermented foods
In the past, the beneficial effects of fermented foods on health were unknown, and so people primarily used fermentation to preserve foods, enhance shelf life, and improve flavour. Nowadays, fermented foods became an important part of the diet in many cultures, and over time fermentation has been associated with many health benefits.
Diets That Use Sauerkraut in Their Plans
Regularly consuming sauerkraut may help you lose weight and keep it off. That's partly because sauerkraut, like most vegetables, is low in calories and high in fiber. High fiber diets keep you fuller for longer, which may help you naturally reduce the number of calories you eat each day.
The Best Way to Get Over a Bad Hangover
After a boozy night your body needs some serious replenishment. Load up on nutritious sauerkraut to sort yourself out.
Raw Probiotic Sauerkraut for Constipation
Constipation is extremely common in the United States, according to research. It’s defined as 3 or less bowel movements a week. 16% of US adults have symptoms of constipation. For people over 60, that number is 33%